среда, апреля 25, 2012

Natural but special. Rodic is in Minsk

         Actually, I was pretty excited when I learnt that Yvan Rodic has come to Minsk to meet the BFW bloggers and to run a lecture in Newton Fashion Art Buffet. I didn't know a lot about him, except the fact he started as a blogger, but now he is more than a blogger. But who? That was the question. Anyway, it is always stirring to meet someone well-known and experienced in the sphere you are interested in.
         As to his personality, he is a nice simple guy who is not crazy about fashion, who does what he likes to do and who enjoys his job. Moreover, he is absolutely adorable! If he has a nice, wise and well-cooking girlfriend...well, he is extremely lucky!;)
        I want to tell a little bit about his lecture, that was really exciting and interesting. Everyone was listening to Yvan in silence (except the case with my cell phone, that broke this silence with an income call. I am so embarassed! but sh*t happens).

       The lecture was "How blogging and social medias are changing fashion".
         First of all, Yvan, as any educated person, introduced himself. He is 34 years old. He was bor in Switzerland, but has got such a name because his father has a slavic origin.
         He started as a freelance copywrighter. He noticed, that people do shopping, but they do not know anything about fashion. Then he became involved in Fashion when he moved to Paris, where he had friends connected with fashion industry. Paris was a wow city for fashion!
         6 years ago there were no blogging phenomena, so Yvan didn't take it seriously. He just took photos of interesting people and posted them. He made photos of faces at first, that is why he is a FaceHunter. But soon this became boring, he wanted more style. So he ran a street style blog in Paris. It was a little project and the income wasn't enough for living.
         In 2007 Yvan quited the job and concentrated on the blog. From this point he started to evolve. He started to travel a little bit and to take pics of other interesting things, places, eclectic moments, architecture. This was a second blog, that was even more followed than Facehunter (yvanrodic.com).
         Then he had got an idea to run a Facehunter Show. It was about culture, inspiration and creativity - video episodes from around the world. The show was supported by the Myspace.com, but had to be reduced because the myspace couldn't find a sponsor.
         Yvan published the book with his photos, that was re-edited into 6 languages.
         So step by step Facehunter has evoluted from the blog to the brand. Now it is a blog, fashion films, web-tv, books, conferences, fashion design, collaboration.

                             Fashion used to be a dictator before the Internet
          There was a very primitive system of inspiration. Fashion editors visited fahion shows and then just wrote in their editions about the trends. So the fashion was dictated by the system.
          There were no sense of identity and individuality, you were just a part og the family and the part of society.
          Then in the middle of the XX century fashon was very music related. There were different groups (rocks, hippies, raps, etc), but inside the group people were the same.
          Then came the time to become who you are.
          Inspiration were coming from around the world. People were free to chose who they want to be. There was a kind of micro revolution. Fashion has become an interesting game, everyone has a choice, everyone can be inspired by everything.

         Nowadays brands have intimate relations with blogs. Brands try to work with real people, but not only woth ideal models. Brands hire bloggers to create a collaboration. Together they create different projects.
          Here are some projects which were created with the participation of Yvan Rodic:
                                             New Volvo S60 Naughty Experiment Video 
                                        This is a project about the naughtiest European capital. 

                                                                 Giorgio Armani glasses
          Bloggers took pics of real people in glasses. And other people can Like them. It is like a collaboration with the audience. And the company could see the interest that people show.

                    He also did a Frame video for Armani eyewear. The video was shot in Stockholm. 

             It was a Christmas wish campaign from around the world. Yvan visited Berlin, Shanghai, Sydney, NY, London. He did the videos and photos with real people in the streets.

                                                                  SIX London

           There were chosen 6 bloggers from different countries. They designed 6 pairs of ideal shoes from their point of view. Then they produced the shoes in limited addition and sold on the Internet. It was a great experience, 'cause noone was so deepely involved in fashion industry ever. They just did it to make their dream come true.


So, the idea of all these meant above is to be natural, but to be special. It doesn't matter what other people say. When you show your identity and your personality, people accept who you are and like you. Do not be afraid of being extra.

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